Game Assets

  • neciogames' Lives-Timing Management
  • neciogames' Lives-Timing Management

    The neciogames' Lives-Timing Management is a useful software package to easily add a Lives-Timing Management to Unity projects by using a few lines of code. This software package contains only one C-Sharp (C#) script which manages the Lives and the refill Lives-Timing as known from common Free to Play Games.
    Please find more details and an Online Demo at: neciogames' Lives-Timing Management

Use it in your Projects

  • Available on the unity Asset Store

  • neciogames' Localization & Platformization Package
  • neciogames' Localization & Platformization Package

    The neciogames' Localization & Platformization Package supports the possibility to bring easily Unity projects into different App-Stores for different Platforms in different languages. The Package contains C-Sharp (C#) scripts which accessing XML-files for the Localization and Platformization.
    Please find more details and an Online Demo at: neciogames' Localization & Platformization Package

Use it in your Projects

  • Available on the unity Asset Store